2nd DZG Munich Day

2nd DZG Munich Day
Welcome to the 2nd DZG Munich Day webpage.
Please find all information about the event below.
Do you have any questions? Please contact Daniela Kaspar.
How to get there
The 2nd DZG Munich Day takes place at the Auditorium of Helmholtz Munich (Neuherberg Campus), Ingolstädter Landstraße 1, 85764 Neuherberg.
By public transportation:
Take the U2 to Feldmoching and get off at 'Am Hart'.
From there take either bus 294 to Garching-Hochbrück or bus 295 to Oberschleißheim and get off at 'Helmholtz Zentrum (Neuherberg)'.
By car:
Drive up the A99 and take the exit 'München-Neuherberg'. Follow the B13 in the direction of Munich. Shortly after the exit, the main entrance of Helmholtz Munich will be on your left. Please use the visitor car park for parking, as there are no parking spaces near the Auditorium.
At the Entrance you will get a visitor day pass.
It will take 10-15 minutes to walk from the Entrance to the Auditorium. The Auditorium is located in Building 23. Please find a map of the campus here for download.