Research for Health
Many people still suffer from diabetes, infectious diseases, mental disorders, cancer, cardiovascular, lung and neurodegenerative diseases. Combating these widespread diseases more effectively is a central goal of the German government's health research program. With the German Centers for Health Research (DZG), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has established powerful structures to better identify, treat and prevent these diseases. In 2009, the German Centers for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) and for Diabetes Research (DZD) were founded, followed in 2011 and 2012 by the centers for Infectious Diseases (DZIF), Cardiovascular Research (DZHK), Lung Diseases (DZL) and Cancer (DKTK) and 2023 the German Center for Mental Health (DZPG). Another DZG is currently being established: the German Centre for Child and Adolescent Health (DZKJ).
Common goal: Research Results to Reach Patients More Quickly
Basic researchers and clinicians work together in the DZG to transfer scientific results more quickly into medical practice and therefore provide patients with optimal care. Cooperation across disciplinary and institutional boundaries is a strength and indispensable for successful translation from the laboratory to the clinic. This also includes cooperation with private-sector companies in order to translate innovative diagnostic procedures and therapeutic approaches into economical and affordable healthcare.
Networked throughout Germany
Throughout Germany, 104 research institutions (universities, university clinics and non-university research institutions) participate in the DZG. Some DZGs are also networked with other external partner institutions.
The centers cooperate closely with each other in order to exchange experience and utilize synergies, for example in the areas of research IT, promotion of young researchers, public relations, patient participation and regulation of clinical studies.
Funded by the federal and state governments
The DZG are funded 90 percent by the federal government and 10 percent by those states in which its member institutions are located. The Commissions of Funding Authorities (KdZ) are the exchange bodies of the individual centers with the funders. The federal government and each federal state send representatives to the respective KdZ. In strategic as well as essential financial, organizational and personnel matters, the Board of Directors and the General Assembly are obliged to obtain the approval of the KdZ.
Federal states with DZG facilities
Image video DZG
German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases
So far, there is no cure for neurodegenerative diseases.
German Center for Lung Research
Every 4 minutes, a person dies in Germany as a result of lung and respiratory disease.
German Center for Infection Research
Infectious diseases are among the great medical challenges of our time.
German Centre for Cardiovascular Research
Cardiovascular diseases continue to increase and are still the number one cause of death in Germany.
German Center for Diabetes Research
It is estimated that up to 12 million people in Germany could suffer from diabetes by 2040.
German Cancer Consortium
There are approximately 1.4 million cancer patients in Germany – and the number is rising.
German Center for Mental Health
Almost one in three people experience a mental illness in the course of a year.
German Center for Child and Adolescent Health
During childhood and adolescence, the decisive course is set for health throughout life.